Mikaela Johnson Mikaela Johnson

Sorry for your loss. Now move forward.

“Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them--to the Israelites.” (Joshua 1:2)

How God could be so cold?! Moses had walked in such close relationship with God, performing the impossible and even being able to see God’s glory like nobody before him. I thought that God would mourn the death of such an influential figure in the bible. Instead, God sums up Moses’ death in 5 words, and proceeds to instate Joshua as the new leader and give instructions for how the Israelites will finally move forward after wandering in the wilderness for years. I wondered how God could be so abrupt. Then, I had an encounter with this side of God in my own life. I was in a courtship with this guy. It was my first courtship; my first time being in a romantic relationship and actively pursuing God at the center. Everything was going well--we communicated well, he supported my dreams and convictions. He treated me better than anyone in my past, and I saw a bright and lasting future for us. 

God, however, had different plans. After instructing me to end the relationship, I was overwhelmed with questions, sadness, and confusion. I thought that I had done my part to seek God’s will at every step of the journey. We had even fasted for 7 days before becoming official! I could not understand why God would possibly take this from me. After going back and forth between submitting my will and questioning God’s plans for a full week, I felt the Holy Spirit convict me. He said “I have still called you. There are still things I want for you to accomplish in THIS season. Do you trust me to be God or not? Is this relationship more important than the purpose I have for your life? It’s time to keep moving forward.” 

This experience humbled me and forced me to re-evaluate my priorities. I wonder, when we mourn the loss of a dream or plan longer than it was intended, do we tell God that He isn’t enough? Do we subconsciously send Him the message that the thing was bigger than Him; that that thing/person/opportunity was SO important, that we can’t possibly go on without it? Is He no longer able to accomplish His purpose without a piece that we perhaps placed to high a value on? Is He no longer God? Of course not! Now, I do not want to be insensitive. In fact, Ecclesiastes 3:4 affirms our need to mourn in the face of loss. It is part of what makes us human. But let us live a balanced life- not dwelling in one season longer than we ought, losing sight of the God who is faithful to finish what He began in us (Phillipians 1:6). 

Be encouraged! I know you can’t see how you will be able to go on without ________________. But know this: God saw everything before the beginning of time and chose you for this purpose anyway! You have what it takes; He gave it to you. Stay focused, and press into His presence for the strength to move FORWARD. 


God, today I love You more than what I had in mind. I love You more than who I had in mind. I trust that Your ways and thoughts will always be better than mine, and You will withhold no good thing from me. If it was good for me, I would have it. I will be satisfied in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Mikaela Johnson Mikaela Johnson

What’s in it for me?

“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.”(Colossians 3:23-24)

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

If asked, how many of us would willingly admit our tendency to be selfish? I would imagine that the hands wouldn’t fly up. I know in my own life, God is working on me in this area! I was serving my mentor in the capacity of assisting her as she birthed one of her God-dreams recently. While I love her and admire everything God is doing through her, God had to teach me a very important lesson on love. I was struggling with the concept of using my gifts, energy, and time for a project that was not my own. For my flesh, it was a foreign concept to be inconvenienced for anyone other than myself. I had to pray and ask God to purify this selfishness from my heart and replace it with a heart to serve! 

Holy Spirit reminded me of Colossians 3:23-24, explaining that any work I do is not just for the individual(s) directly involved, but a reflection of my desire to serve God himself. Struggling with selfishness? I hear the cure is to change your perspective of who you’re serving. Imagine you are running errands not for your crabby boss, but for the King of Kings. Instead of feeling down and underappreciated by your husband, think about the way that your Father in heaven sees your service and He alone is responsible for your appreciation and reward. 


Hey Dad, selfishness can be so second-nature at times. I feel justified in wanting to be recognized for my efforts, and it can be hard to toil for assignments that don’t immediately benefit me. I thank You that you never ask me for perfection, but instead that I would acknowledge You in all my ways and You would make my ways straight. I ask that you continue to do a new thing in me as I continue on this journey to loving You more than what comes naturally to me. Today, I love You more than my desire to always be benefitted directly. Make me more like Jesus, amen. 

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Mikaela Johnson Mikaela Johnson

Thank you.

“When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back. He praised God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him.”

(Luke 17:15)

Have you ever received a really amazing gift? Not an afterthought gift, but something that you know required thought, planning, and intentionaliy? If you’re like me, sometimes I struggle with how to respond to such expressions of love. Part of me feels awkward, part is full of joy, and still another part is already calculating how to repay the act of kindness.

Sometimes this same internal battle translates into our relationship with God. There will be moments in your life when you experience the immense favor of God. Jobs you aren’t qualified for, relationships better than you prayed for, healing you had given up hope of- the possibilities are endless. Our initial reaction can shift from excitement to anxiety, wondering how we can work to repay God and avoid this new “imposter syndrome”. On the other hand, we may arrogantly begin to think that we did something to deserve the favor to begin with! Like, “of course I got this awesome new home, I work hard enough”. Both responses fall short of what God desires. As well as we think we perform, we could never earn or deserve God’s kindness. He’s kind because it’s His character!

Instead of allowing the enemy to trick you into feelings of unworthiness or pride, I encourage you to take the posture of the one leper who returned to say “thank you.” He could have easily gotten wrapped up in the celebration of being healed. He could have rushed to show the priests he was clean and jumped back into society. He could have even taken an “it’s about time you came through, God” attitude. Instead, he came back, threw himself at the feet of the one who was merciful… and thanked Him.

“Thank you.

Two words that seem inadequate in the face of all that is good about God, but two words that humble ourselves and honor the One who gives good gifts (Matthew 7:11). Today’s activity is simple yet crucial. Think of the things in your life that are manifestations of God’s ability to give good gifts (hint: start with that breath you just took) and begin to thank Him. Don’t give him reasons why it should have been someone else. Don’t try to take credit for it. THANK HIM.


Lord, you have been so very good to me. When I sit down to think, it really makes no logical sense. You saw me when I chose to go in the opposite direction. You saw when I disobeyed you. You saw when I gave my heart to other things and people above you, and you still continue to give me good gifts. Today I don’t want to ask you for anything else. Today I want to thank you. Thank you for my life. Thank you for sending Jesus to die and pay for my sins! Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for food, clothes, and shelter. I thank you because I genuinely have more than I need. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for calling me according to your purpose. I could literally thank you until I make it into heaven, you are just that worthy. Help me to walk in gratitude today. I won’t refuse the blessing; I won’t take credit for the blessing. Instead, I will worship you, submit to you, and tell others about you, for as long as I live. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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Mikaela Johnson Mikaela Johnson

He’s my God too.

“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)

Do you ever find yourself doubting that the God of your grandmother cares about what you’re going through today?

There is hope! In the midst of an ever-changing world, the bible tells us that the one constant is God. He is the same yeserday, today, and forever! Even more than that, God is no respecter of persons. This means that He doesn’t only show up for people in a certain generation, political party, economic class, etc. Moses had access to God in a spectacular way. I can only imagine what Joshua was feeling as he moved in to fill such massive shoes. This word from God stills me in my anxious thoughts. This word reminds me that as long as I am walking in obedience, the God of angel-armies is on my side. You may need to access Him in different situations, but He remains the same.

 I remember when I was introduced to the God that I had only known by association until that point. Faced with insecurities and anxiety, I somehow found myself singing old gospel songs that had never resonated with me before. Songs like “as the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longs for thee…” came from a place deep within my spirit. It was as if the pain had echoed so deep that my spirit’s best response was to connect to the kindred spirits of my ancestors’ pain. It was there, in my darkness, that I could either sink or dare to put my weight on this invisible God.

 I chose the latter. 

Have you ever felt like nobody wanted to understand you? And even if they were willing, they lacked the capacity to understand you? There is good news! There is a God who took the time to personally create everything about you. He spoke greatness and purpose over your life, and saw the fullness of who you would become at the end of all of this. He saw the end, declared it as good, and then worked backwards orchestrating all of the life events that would ultimately lead you to your destiny. As hard as it is for our minds to comprehend, even the traumatic and tough situations are pushing you closer to becoming the person you were meant to be. If only you knew how intentional He was about you (Jeremiah 29:11). 


God, life is hard. Sometimes I feel like nobody sees me. Please show yourself to me in a new way today. Help me to know that even when I can’t see your hand, I can trust your heart for me. I want to learn how to trust You. Show me where to start. I love You more than the fear of not being enough for what You have called me for. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

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Mikaela Johnson Mikaela Johnson

What’s your story?

"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "God's Messiah." (Luke 9:20)

Growing up, my Big Mama used to greet us by saying “what’s your story, Morning glory?”. It was her way of asking “what’s up”. Today I want us to imagine God asking us the same question. What’s your story? In this passage of Luke, Jesus begins (vs. 18-19) by asking his disciples who the crowds of people thought he was. The 12 had various answers. However, when Jesus asked them for a personal account of who He was, only Peter had an answer. My sister, there is a time coming when it’s not enough to know your parents’ version of Jesus; your pastor’s study of scripture; and definitely not that picture of Christ that society portrays.

Who do YOU say that He is?

There is a generation of young people growing up that is not impressed by the performance and theatrics that some people in the church equate with Christianity. They are hungry for truth, authenticity, and transparency. They will not be drawn by stories you heard about God from Sunday school. What have YOU experienced? Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome the power of the enemy by the blood of the lamb (Jesus’ death on the cross already defeated Satan!) and the word of our testimony (our declaration that Jesus is Lord!).

Psalm 116 is a perfect picture of a testimony. David tells why God is deserving of his praise. Does anyone have a “he turned His ear to me,” testimony?? Why do you serve God? What has He done to be worthy to you? Today, I invite you to remember your reason. Your “why” will ground you in the moments when the wickedness of the world feels bigger than God’s goodness.

What’s your story, morning glory?


God, thank you for calling me to know you personally. I do not have to rely solely on the stories of others because you are MY God. Today as I spend time with you I pray that you remind me of all that you have been to me and for me. You are my friend when everyone leaves. You are my perfect Heavenly father when my earthly father makes mistakes. You are my protector from dangers seen and unseen. You are my provider when I don’t know where resources will come from. You are my source of peace when the world is in chaos. You are my savior! Hallelujah to Your name. Give me the boldness to declare that “Jesus is Lord” with my mouth and my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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