What’s your story?

"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "God's Messiah." (Luke 9:20)

Growing up, my Big Mama used to greet us by saying “what’s your story, Morning glory?”. It was her way of asking “what’s up”. Today I want us to imagine God asking us the same question. What’s your story? In this passage of Luke, Jesus begins (vs. 18-19) by asking his disciples who the crowds of people thought he was. The 12 had various answers. However, when Jesus asked them for a personal account of who He was, only Peter had an answer. My sister, there is a time coming when it’s not enough to know your parents’ version of Jesus; your pastor’s study of scripture; and definitely not that picture of Christ that society portrays.

Who do YOU say that He is?

There is a generation of young people growing up that is not impressed by the performance and theatrics that some people in the church equate with Christianity. They are hungry for truth, authenticity, and transparency. They will not be drawn by stories you heard about God from Sunday school. What have YOU experienced? Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome the power of the enemy by the blood of the lamb (Jesus’ death on the cross already defeated Satan!) and the word of our testimony (our declaration that Jesus is Lord!).

Psalm 116 is a perfect picture of a testimony. David tells why God is deserving of his praise. Does anyone have a “he turned His ear to me,” testimony?? Why do you serve God? What has He done to be worthy to you? Today, I invite you to remember your reason. Your “why” will ground you in the moments when the wickedness of the world feels bigger than God’s goodness.

What’s your story, morning glory?


God, thank you for calling me to know you personally. I do not have to rely solely on the stories of others because you are MY God. Today as I spend time with you I pray that you remind me of all that you have been to me and for me. You are my friend when everyone leaves. You are my perfect Heavenly father when my earthly father makes mistakes. You are my protector from dangers seen and unseen. You are my provider when I don’t know where resources will come from. You are my source of peace when the world is in chaos. You are my savior! Hallelujah to Your name. Give me the boldness to declare that “Jesus is Lord” with my mouth and my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.


He’s my God too.


God is a Romantic?