He’s my God too.

“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)

Do you ever find yourself doubting that the God of your grandmother cares about what you’re going through today?

There is hope! In the midst of an ever-changing world, the bible tells us that the one constant is God. He is the same yeserday, today, and forever! Even more than that, God is no respecter of persons. This means that He doesn’t only show up for people in a certain generation, political party, economic class, etc. Moses had access to God in a spectacular way. I can only imagine what Joshua was feeling as he moved in to fill such massive shoes. This word from God stills me in my anxious thoughts. This word reminds me that as long as I am walking in obedience, the God of angel-armies is on my side. You may need to access Him in different situations, but He remains the same.

 I remember when I was introduced to the God that I had only known by association until that point. Faced with insecurities and anxiety, I somehow found myself singing old gospel songs that had never resonated with me before. Songs like “as the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longs for thee…” came from a place deep within my spirit. It was as if the pain had echoed so deep that my spirit’s best response was to connect to the kindred spirits of my ancestors’ pain. It was there, in my darkness, that I could either sink or dare to put my weight on this invisible God.

 I chose the latter. 

Have you ever felt like nobody wanted to understand you? And even if they were willing, they lacked the capacity to understand you? There is good news! There is a God who took the time to personally create everything about you. He spoke greatness and purpose over your life, and saw the fullness of who you would become at the end of all of this. He saw the end, declared it as good, and then worked backwards orchestrating all of the life events that would ultimately lead you to your destiny. As hard as it is for our minds to comprehend, even the traumatic and tough situations are pushing you closer to becoming the person you were meant to be. If only you knew how intentional He was about you (Jeremiah 29:11). 


God, life is hard. Sometimes I feel like nobody sees me. Please show yourself to me in a new way today. Help me to know that even when I can’t see your hand, I can trust your heart for me. I want to learn how to trust You. Show me where to start. I love You more than the fear of not being enough for what You have called me for. In Jesus’ name, amen. 


Thank you.


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