Thank you.

“When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back. He praised God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him.”

(Luke 17:15)

Have you ever received a really amazing gift? Not an afterthought gift, but something that you know required thought, planning, and intentionaliy? If you’re like me, sometimes I struggle with how to respond to such expressions of love. Part of me feels awkward, part is full of joy, and still another part is already calculating how to repay the act of kindness.

Sometimes this same internal battle translates into our relationship with God. There will be moments in your life when you experience the immense favor of God. Jobs you aren’t qualified for, relationships better than you prayed for, healing you had given up hope of- the possibilities are endless. Our initial reaction can shift from excitement to anxiety, wondering how we can work to repay God and avoid this new “imposter syndrome”. On the other hand, we may arrogantly begin to think that we did something to deserve the favor to begin with! Like, “of course I got this awesome new home, I work hard enough”. Both responses fall short of what God desires. As well as we think we perform, we could never earn or deserve God’s kindness. He’s kind because it’s His character!

Instead of allowing the enemy to trick you into feelings of unworthiness or pride, I encourage you to take the posture of the one leper who returned to say “thank you.” He could have easily gotten wrapped up in the celebration of being healed. He could have rushed to show the priests he was clean and jumped back into society. He could have even taken an “it’s about time you came through, God” attitude. Instead, he came back, threw himself at the feet of the one who was merciful… and thanked Him.

“Thank you.

Two words that seem inadequate in the face of all that is good about God, but two words that humble ourselves and honor the One who gives good gifts (Matthew 7:11). Today’s activity is simple yet crucial. Think of the things in your life that are manifestations of God’s ability to give good gifts (hint: start with that breath you just took) and begin to thank Him. Don’t give him reasons why it should have been someone else. Don’t try to take credit for it. THANK HIM.


Lord, you have been so very good to me. When I sit down to think, it really makes no logical sense. You saw me when I chose to go in the opposite direction. You saw when I disobeyed you. You saw when I gave my heart to other things and people above you, and you still continue to give me good gifts. Today I don’t want to ask you for anything else. Today I want to thank you. Thank you for my life. Thank you for sending Jesus to die and pay for my sins! Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for food, clothes, and shelter. I thank you because I genuinely have more than I need. Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for calling me according to your purpose. I could literally thank you until I make it into heaven, you are just that worthy. Help me to walk in gratitude today. I won’t refuse the blessing; I won’t take credit for the blessing. Instead, I will worship you, submit to you, and tell others about you, for as long as I live. In Jesus’ name, amen.


What’s in it for me?


He’s my God too.