Sorry for your loss. Now move forward.

“Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them--to the Israelites.” (Joshua 1:2)

How God could be so cold?! Moses had walked in such close relationship with God, performing the impossible and even being able to see God’s glory like nobody before him. I thought that God would mourn the death of such an influential figure in the bible. Instead, God sums up Moses’ death in 5 words, and proceeds to instate Joshua as the new leader and give instructions for how the Israelites will finally move forward after wandering in the wilderness for years. I wondered how God could be so abrupt. Then, I had an encounter with this side of God in my own life. I was in a courtship with this guy. It was my first courtship; my first time being in a romantic relationship and actively pursuing God at the center. Everything was going well--we communicated well, he supported my dreams and convictions. He treated me better than anyone in my past, and I saw a bright and lasting future for us. 

God, however, had different plans. After instructing me to end the relationship, I was overwhelmed with questions, sadness, and confusion. I thought that I had done my part to seek God’s will at every step of the journey. We had even fasted for 7 days before becoming official! I could not understand why God would possibly take this from me. After going back and forth between submitting my will and questioning God’s plans for a full week, I felt the Holy Spirit convict me. He said “I have still called you. There are still things I want for you to accomplish in THIS season. Do you trust me to be God or not? Is this relationship more important than the purpose I have for your life? It’s time to keep moving forward.” 

This experience humbled me and forced me to re-evaluate my priorities. I wonder, when we mourn the loss of a dream or plan longer than it was intended, do we tell God that He isn’t enough? Do we subconsciously send Him the message that the thing was bigger than Him; that that thing/person/opportunity was SO important, that we can’t possibly go on without it? Is He no longer able to accomplish His purpose without a piece that we perhaps placed to high a value on? Is He no longer God? Of course not! Now, I do not want to be insensitive. In fact, Ecclesiastes 3:4 affirms our need to mourn in the face of loss. It is part of what makes us human. But let us live a balanced life- not dwelling in one season longer than we ought, losing sight of the God who is faithful to finish what He began in us (Phillipians 1:6). 

Be encouraged! I know you can’t see how you will be able to go on without ________________. But know this: God saw everything before the beginning of time and chose you for this purpose anyway! You have what it takes; He gave it to you. Stay focused, and press into His presence for the strength to move FORWARD. 


God, today I love You more than what I had in mind. I love You more than who I had in mind. I trust that Your ways and thoughts will always be better than mine, and You will withhold no good thing from me. If it was good for me, I would have it. I will be satisfied in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


I don’t know.


What’s in it for me?