Who’s ya Daddy?

How does my Heavenly Father handle me with care?  Personalizing Psalm 23

  1. He provides all of my needs (“I lack nothing” vs. 1). 

  2. He gives me a place to rest and be nourished (“He makes me lie down in green pastures” vs. 2)

  3. He made me whole. He didn’t let me stay in my broken state as if it was okay (“He restores my soul” vs. 3a) 

  4. He orders my steps along a good path (“path of righteousness” vs.3b)

  5. He is ever-present (“I will fear no evil for You are with me” vs. 4)

  6. He comforts me with His parenting: His rod chastens and convicts me when I stray; His staff acts as my baby gate, letting me know the parameters for safety. (“Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” vs. 4b)

  7. Vengeance is sweeter in Him. He doesn’t have to kill them, and I don’t have to be hateful. I only need to trust that He will make sure the right people have a vantage point to watch Him bless what they walked away from. (“He prepares a table in the presence of my enemies” vs. 5)

  8. He anoints me for my purpose. I will not fall into the trap of thinking I have to work hard enough to be big enough to accomplish the purpose of God in my life. (“You anoint my head with oil…” vs. 5b)

  9. He gives me more blessing and provision than I know what to do with. (“my cup runneth over.” vs. 5c)

  10. He gifts me goodness (grace)and mercy EVERY day. It is not contigent upon how well I performed the day before. His consistency is not based on mine (or lack therof)--Thank you Jesus! (“Surely your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life” vs. 6)

  11. I have a spot reserved in heaven if I have believed in my heart and confessed with my mouth that Jesus is the son of God; that He was born of a virgin; that He died on the cross for my sins; that He rose with all power; and one day He will come back to bring me to heaven. (“I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” vs 6b). 


A master Shepherd. I don’t have to put my trust in my environment, my job, a man, a friend--because You personally come see about everything concerning me. I am important to You, and nothing gets past You. That means I can rest. Today I love you more than I complain about what I lack. Instead I focus on how You meet my every need.


Church hurt.


Iron sharpens iron…not kisses.