God is a Romantic?

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16)

The love of God is too overwhelming to ever inhale all at once. It is a love where God, Creator of everything, cannot be near sin- He is too perfect. But there arises a dilemma- he hates sin, but loves you. So much. So what to do? Stop loving you or stop hating sin?

His answer: neither. Instead, He reached into His arsenal and offered up His only son. Not His least favorite son; not the son who caused Him trouble. He offered up His only, perfect son to be an acceptable offering because he had to find a way to keep you and me. 

True love finds a way. 

People would have chosen one or the other, probably not choosing me. But He decided to pay for me- a dowry that is unlike anything anyone would  ever  do for me. He paid with His life. A reckless, undeserved, unearned love. 


God, I will always fall short of your glory. I will try, daily, but my humanity constantly sabotages my desire to be like You. Know this: I WILL keep trying. I love You more than the comfortability of staying in sin. I am grateful for your love that makes me feel so many emotions. I am grateful for the privilege to go on a journey of discovering the freedom that comes with being loved in such a perfect way. Help me to truly believe that absolutely nothing is strong enough to separate me from this love. Thank you for Jesus. Amen


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Close your eyes.