Love is (still) the greatest.

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of these is love” (I Corinthians 13:13)

In life, relational conflict is inevitable. To put it plainly, people are going to get on your nerves- it’s okay. In those moments, Believers have two choices: they can either respond based on emotion OR they can respond like Christ. I could pretend that I always run to respond like Christ, but honestly, it can be a real struggle! Recently, my ability to practice what I preach was put to the test. One of my friends presented me with a frustrating situation that honestly triggered my natural reaction to respond as myself. I wanted to, and would have been justified in taking on offense. I could have argued my point until I was the last one standing. However, in the back of my mind, our series on love began to minister to me. I thought about how love is patient and kind, how it requires sacrifice and is a witness to others of God’s love. God even sent another person into my life to remind me that the enemy doesn’t just want me to hold onto negative feelings, he also wants me to let my feelings fuel my behavior. The enemy wants you to rehearse and replay every way that you have been wronged in the past. He wants you to convince yourself that you are justified in your pettiness, unforgiveness, and selfishness. If you needed a sign, here it is: love is still the greatest. Love, when you choose it, can anchor you when feelings want to toss you to and fro like the wind. Love is your ever-present way of escape, driving the get-away car away from relational damage.

At that moment, I won the battle over my emotions. I chose love and I chose to trust that what God was trying to develop in me was more important than being right at the moment. That was a major win! However, today is a brand new battle, a war between my spirit and my flesh. The same war is raging within you every moment of every day. You can choose God’s way or the enemy’s way, those are your only options. But be encouraged! While prophecy, tongues, and knowledge; popularity, wealth, and fame all pass away, love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8).

Will you choose love today?


Lord, thank you for giving me another way to live life. Letting my feelings lead is honestly exhausting. I feel stronger when I know I chose You in a situation. Please help me to continue to feed my spirit so I may pass the next test that comes. Today, I love You more than my reflexive responses. I actively choose You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Let’s talk love languages.


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