Get it from the source.

“‘As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.’” (John 15: 9-10)

Have you ever felt burned out from loving others and responding to life in a way that glorifies God? I know I have, and I would even venture to suggest that Jesus was tempted in this area too. How can we, with human limitations, be expected to love the most imperfect people? “I’m not Jesus” is not a worthy excuse, sis, sorry. In this passage of John, Jesus gives us a very straightforward solution to burnout, fatigue, and weariness—get plugged into the source. He tells the disciples that the way he has been able to love them was because he was simply copying the example of the Father’s love. Yes, he was fully man and fully God, but the same principle applies to us, carriers of Christ’s Holy Spirit. The reason Jesus was able to give hope to others, heal the sick, love those who cursed him, and forgive the very people who killed him was a life completely submerged in the Father. After accomplishing something great in his ministry, Jesus could be found in a quiet, isolated space, in prayer. He knew something that many of us forget— apart from God we can do nothing effectively. We may be able to fake kindness for a while in our own strength, but the enduring, resilient, unwavering love that Christians are called to requires supernatural power.

God, how do I remain connected to you in such a crazy and distracted world?? I love God because He doesn’t ask us to do things without modeling and instructing. Verse 10 clearly gives the answer: keep my commands. Now, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all 10 Commandments, so Jesus also helped us by narrowing it down to two, with the first being: Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). I believe that once we are so focused on learning about God’s love for us and loving him back, the ability to love others well will be an overflow. When it feels like your ability to love is running on E, it’s time to run back to The Source.


Lord, thank you for being my source. Thank you that all the strength I need to love others well comes from time with you, and surrender to your ways over mine. Thank you for Jesus’ example. Please help me to love even when I don’t feel like it so that others will come to know even a fraction of the way You love them. I love you more. In Jesus’ name, amen!


Love is (still) the greatest.


Love testifies.