Let’s talk love languages.

(Romans 8:31-39)

Most people know about the 5 love languages. Whether you perceive love more through acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, or gifts, the idea is that we all have a “language of love” that our brain is able to perceive. It explains how I can show love in one way (say, gifts) and the other person still feels a love deficit because their context for receiving love didn’t value gifts as much. It highlights another way that humans are such complex beings. Personally, on top of the five known love languages, mindfulness is another thing that communicates love to me. Have you ever felt like everyone had other things going on in their life and were too busy to remember details about yours? If you have, then you also know how impactful it is when someone goes out of their way to remember that test you have coming up, or they remember to check up on that family member you were praying about. Mindfulness shows that on top of everything I have going on, you were on my mind.

God is the most mindful being you will ever encounter. He literally mapped out your entire life before your parents ever got together. He went out of his way to know every hair on your head, and your every thought before you even think it. He knew every mistake you would ever make and, before you could decide to love him back, he sent his only son Jesus to die for you. Have you ever had moments that felt like severe coincidences? For example, you ‘just so happened’ to meet that person at that exact time, and they had exactly what you had been praying about? Or, have you ever been sitting in a church service and it seemed like the pastor had been eavesdropping on your life? No coincidence, that’s the mindfulness of God.

Romans 8 is one of my favorite chapters in the entire Bible, but these specific verses give my heart unspeakable joy. It paints a picture of the lengths that God the Father went to in sacrificing Jesus so that we might be able to know Him. In all his power and authority, he chose to justify you and me! If that isn’t enough, then we have God the Son (Jesus) who freely gave up his life to give us access to what he already had. He loves us so much that even now, he sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding on our behalf (vs. 34). Then, because the Trinity exists as a unit, we have the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us leading and guiding us each step of the way. You, my sister, despite your relationship status, are surrounded by love. Immeasurable, unwavering, relentless love. So, if your love language is receptive to knowing someone would:

Give- God gave his only son; Jesus gave his life

Words of affirmation- The entire Bible testifies of God’s love for you, and his affirmation of your true identity

Acts of service- Your very life is an act of God’s kindness and generosity

Physical touch- The Holy Spirit is a comforter in times of trouble

Quality time- Every time you spend time with God, He will meet you as long as you like. He never grows tired of you

…then welcome to the most loving relationship you could ever be in.


You already have a Boaz.


Love is (still) the greatest.