Love testifies.

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” (John 13:35)

I read a story once about a married couple where the husband was a pastor and from the outside, the marriage looked perfect. In reality, however, the husband treated his wife so terribly for 40 long years. He abused her, cheated on her, and utterly failed to follow through on his duties as a husband. As I read this I was anticipating the part where the wife told him about himself and left him up to the Lord. Her reaction convicted me. As she endured the unimaginable from the one person who had vowed to love her “till death do us part”, she responded with mercy and love. As he chose to be repeatedly unfaithful, she held tightly to her love for Christ and was strengthened to honor his role as scripture instructs. She remarked that her hope was not in her husband’s potential to change, but in the unwavering love of God in spite of her own sinfulness! It was more important that her children see her model the love of Christ than for her to harbor bitterness in her heart. This story helped me to understand that I have some work to do if I genuinely want to look like Jesus in the Earth.

Love testifies about God more than words, ESPECIALLY in the times where it is hardest to love. How can we talk about the power of God but still cuss people out and refuse to forgive? The world is watching, my sister. “They will know you are Christians by your love” and I wonder why. Based on what we’ve learned about love so far, the only people who can genuinely display such self-sacrificing love are those who have first been taken over by it themselves. Before you try to convert others with eloquent sermons, Bible verses, and cross necklaces...have they seen you love well? Have they seen your patience, kindness, and goodness? Have they witnessed your humility, eagerness to forgive, and selflessness? Let our love be our most vocal ministry. Then we will see hearts softened to our God. 


Lord, I repent for missed opportunities to humble myself and love others well. Sometimes I only love when I feel that others deserve it or are grateful. You called me to love completely separate from the behavior of others. In fact, your glory is revealed more when I choose to love in the most impossible situations. I receive your strength as I carry this cross. Let my life testify about you so that the lost may come to know You, in Jesus’ name, amen.


Get it from the source.


Love sacrifices.