“You can’t die here.”

“I would have fainted, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13)

I have been blessed with incredible friends in the different seasons of my life. In one season of feeling isolated and far from God, my friend Lei and I would text each other these words: “hold it!” and “you can’t die here.” It was our way of encouraging each other to endure through the hard season. This scripture from the psalmist is your beacon of hope today. He writes “I would have fainted,” or given up. Is life stretching you to your limit? Do you feel worn from trying to live for God? It’s okay to admit when your strength is running out.

The second part of the verse, “…if I had not believed I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” is an anchor in the storm. It says that in seasons of hardship and disappointment, it may not change right away. Tomorrow may not immediately come with clear skies, but will you believe anyway? Your belief is what will ground you until the situation changes. Will you believe that God is working ALL things together for your good? Will you believe that his plans are to give you a hope and a future? “In the land of the living” means that I won’t die before I see God’s goodness. That doesn’t mean I am guaranteed a new car, a million dollars, or fame before I die, but I will experience the goodness of God firsthand. Will you perceive it (Isaiah 43:19)?

So keep watch, sis. Keep an eye out for the goodness of God. Keep an eye out for an act of His love. Wake up every morning in expectation of how your life can be beautiful. Wake up with a new determination to outlast this season and live to tell the story of how God was good to you.

In case nobody’s told you lately: you can’t die here.


Lord, I am tired. I feel so stretched and out of my comfort zone in this season. Nobody fully understands what I have been going through this year, this month, this week. But you do. Give me strength for this day, Lord. Help me to take one day at a time and help my unbelief. I will not die here. I will see your goodness. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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