Name it.

“So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.

But for Adam[f] no suitable helper was found.” (Genesis 2:20)

I have read the story of creation no less than a million times. However, each time I read the story of how God made everything from nothing, something new jumps out. The most recent revelation involves Adam and his assignment pre-Eve. Did you know that God is the one who acknowledged that it wasn’t good for man to be alone? Adam did not have to tell God “this is not working. I need help” because his Father knew him better than he knew himself. That is point one. The next point is that after God acknowledged this need, He did not immediately jump to remedy the situation in the way we would presume. That would be genie behavior; God is sovereign. Instead, this is how it played out: Adam is created, given a purpose and boundaries (Genesis 2:15-16). Then, God remarks that it is not good for man to be alone and decides to make Adam’s suitable helper. Here’s the key, though: He did not immediately bring Eve to Adam. Instead, here comes the test: God begins to present Adam with animal after animal, bird after bird, and waited to see what Adam would call it. Did you miss it? God says “I will make Adam’s suitable helper” then presents all these options that are NOT Eve. It was not until Adam had named elephants, zebras, lions, and eagles that God put him to sleep and brought His plan A. After you pass the test of discernment, get ready for the rest that comes when God takes control of matchmaking, job opportunities, friendships, church home, etc. 

What if God knows that you are not at your most efficient alone, but you keep mistaking the zebra for your “suitable helper”? What if your tendency to settle too soon is your obstacle, not that God has forgotten you! It was not until Adam had named each animal for what it was and proved that he had the discernment that God could trust him with Eve. When he saw Eve, he also discerned that she was not to be classified as the other animals. Instead, he immediately recognized “bone of my bone! Flesh of my flesh!” I believe that God had your suitable helper picked before you were formed in your mother’s womb. How do I know? God gave man and woman their purpose, blessed them, and gave them dominion in the spirit realm in Genesis chapter 1--before Adam even had a body or a need. That’s how intentional your God is! Do not be deceived by the enemy. God is concerned about the details concerning you, especially your partner in purpose. Rest assured, when you are ready; when the man is able to discern between the non-examples and his helpmeet, God will bring you in. 

What if it’s not that you are undesirable, but that God is working on His son, ensuring that he has the character and wisdom to recognize and steward over you well?


God, you are so amazing! Your word says that You knew me before I was formed in my mother’s womb. You had plans for me then, so how could I believe that You don’t care when it comes to my future husband? Thank you for your word that sheds light on truth! I will trust you with my love life. I trust that You will withhold no good thing from me, that You are fully aware of timing, and when the time is right, it will come together. Thank you for developing us both as individuals so that we will steward each other well.  I love You! In Jesus’ name, amen. 


Consequences of a false start.


His masterpiece.