It is so.

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)

I was listening to one of my (s)heroes, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and she said this line that jolted my spirit: “It’s too early in the year to be giving up on what God told you to do.” For me, January is always a  huge period of vision. God shows me the mountaintop of what He wants to do in this season; it’s full of excitement and anticipation. If I’m honest, though, the day-to-day can be exhausting, stretching, and does not yet look like what I see in my dreams.

I hear God saying to stand anyway. To keep making the vision plain and praise Him for how big it’s GOING to be. Things that you gave up on last year. Let this be your reminder: it’s still coming.

It is so. 

Every word God has spoken to you. Everything, literally and figuratively, that you are called to birth in the Earth- it is so. No devil will stop it. No insecurity or fear will block it. No inadequacy will abort it. Last year didn’t cancel it. 

Now, I must warn you of the fine print. This passage refers to words that come from God’s mouth; our words do not have the same authority (sorry to the manifestation enthusiasts). The key to this verse is that we must still ourselves enough to become aware of what the word from God is. What has He spoken about you? What is His vision for your year-not your vision for your year. There is power in aligning with whatever plan God has, instead of bulldozing through life with our big plans. Think about it, wouldn’t you much rather have the guarantee of being in the failure-proof word of God than diving into your own plans? I know I would. 

People have well-meaning intentions, but can never provide this level of security. Government and society change too frequently to truly have the credibility of coming through for every word spoken. On the other hand, God created the entire universe-in heaven and below-solely by His spoken word. You owe it to yourself to invest time into listening more than talking. Hear from heaven on what the plans are for this new year, and get on board. It is the only plan that, no matter the trials, will be fully accomplished. 

Write down what He spoke to you, and read it aloud. Then declare “it is so” until you believe it. 


God, today I love You more than the plans I have crafted for my own life without consulting You. I love You more than the standard of success that culture presents to me. Before I go any further into this year, I lay my plans aside and welcome Your insight. I give You permission to make edits and deletions as you see fit. Have your way. I know that the safest place for me is in Your perfect will. Thank you for walking with me today and every day. In Jesus’ name, amen. 


He’s still a provider.


Purify me: A message from God’s heart.