He’s still a provider.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6: 33-34)

As I was preparing to graduate from college, and contemplating all of the variables that must be taken care of (apartment, car, job), I found myself struggling with anxiety. My mind would race with all of the areas I felt were lacking and I did not see where the answers were coming from. After finally taking my concerns to God, I was reminded of multiple commands in the bible where God instructs His children not to worry. In Matthew 6, verses 25-34, God reminds us of His track record for provision. He details the way that He alone has provided for each bird in the sky, the flowers, and the grass. Nature stands as a testimony to the faithfulness of God. Jesus challenges us in verse 33, that instead of worrying about all of the truly trivial concerns that our Heavenly Father knows we need, we should turn our energy to fully seeking Him. 

I wonder who you could be if you devoted your energy to learning about God and seeking His will for your life, instead of worrying about the day to day details that He has already accounted for. Trust me, the thought is scary at times. I, an independent woman, trusting my entire life to a God who seems to come whenever He feels like it? Yes.

It has been in the moments where I accepted humility and surrendered my worries to God that He has truly shown up and sustained me. Here I am, two and a half years post-grad, looking back on the way that every single one of my needs has been met consistently. Were there times when my account balance needed to touch the hem of His garment? Of course. Were there moments, days, weeks where I had to pretend that a pb&j sandwich was a luxury? Too many times to count. However, I never starved, never had to wonder where I would sleep, and God’s presence never once left my side. 

I urge you to stretch your faith muscle this year. What are your doubts? What need is keeping you from fully walking in the A-list blessings God has for you? Take some time to write them down, transparently, and then make an active choice to remember the massive competency of your Father in heaven. Whenever you forget, look outside at the birds. They are fed, warm, and equipped with everything they need. How much more does Dad love you?


Heavenly Father you have a perfect track record of providing for each of your children. Thank you for keeping me safe from harm, providing my needs, and even some of my wants. I am sorry for the times I was too busy worrying about the details to be grateful for what You’ve already done. Please help me to keep my eyes on You. I trust you to meet my needs according to the riches of your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.


The chicken before the egg.


It is so.