Go Boldly.

“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:39)

“And having chosen them, he called them to come to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory.” (Romans 8:30)

Go boldly, with the knowledge that I love you anyway. 

When I was in school, I used to dread when it came time to choose partners or teams for a project or sporting event. I would immediately begin to sweat when the teacher would announce that we were able to pick our own groups. I would immediately avert eye contact to avoid the sinking feeling of being left out. The same way it was hard for me to anticipate being looked over in the classroom, I had a hard time in my adulthood accepting that the God of the universe would intentionally choose me. But can I tell you, He did. 

-Knowing all of the facts.

-Knowing things you’ve hidden.

-Knowing things you haven’t even dicovered yet. 

-Knowing the good, the bad, and the unholy. 

If He chose you, and continues to choose you daily, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon and find out what made Him fall in love. A journey to wholeness is a journey to getting back to the girl God fell in love with. Go in with the security that succeed or fail, His loving gaze never falters. You might as well give it your all. Loving yourself is the first step! Once you internalize that the love of God will never be taken off the table, what is stopping you from boldly walking in the fullness of the life He envisions for you? 


Lord, thank you for looking beyond my flaws, and seeing my value. Thank you for knowing everything about me and not being scared away by my mess. Thank you for choosing me even when I couldn’t choose myself. Thank you for thinking I was worth life even when I ignored you. I dedicate myself to the process of loving you first, and then loving myself. Help me to forgive myself for knowing better and not doing better. Help me to accept that once you forgave me, you threw my action into a sea of forgetfulness. I declare that I am free and I receive your love! I love You more than I believe the lie that I could ever do enough to separate me from Your love. I will go boldly forward into my purpose and dreams, without fear of you not loving me. In Jesus name, amen.


“Follow me.”


Imposter syndrome.