Worry about yourself.

“Don’t compare yourself with others. Just look at your own work to see if you have done anything to be proud of.” (Galatians 6:4)

Driving between two cars always stresses me out! If I glance out the window and think the other car is super close, I may dramatically veer off into the left lane. I completely forget that 9 times out of 10 I’m safe in my lane. In fact, when I wrongfully perceive that there is danger and veer to the left, now I’m intruding into someone else’s lane! Every time I do it, I hear God whisper to me: keep your eyes forward. 

I wonder how often this same scenario is replicated in multiple areas of life. You’re so excited about the passion project God has been developing in you, but then you glance over at your friend’s project. Suddenly your project feels insignificant and small, and as you begin to overcorrect, suddenly you are out of alignment yourself. You were content and excited for the new God-ordained relationship until the #relationshipgoals couples seemed to have something you didn’t. Now you’re resenting the thing you prayed for! God, free us from comparison! Its not enough to physically stay in your lane, but block your vision off as well. This verse is proof that the Bible truly has a solution for every scenario we face. If you have to look at someone else’s progress to convince yourself of success, that is not success at all. At the same time, failing to celebrate accomplishments because someone else appears to be further is also insufficient. If you want to compare yourself to a standard, Christ is the only worthy example. Now we will spend our entire lives trying to be like Christ, so do not be discouraged. There is grace for your process! The key is to stay focused on your process. 


Dad, I need your help in this area. Comparison is sometimes as natural as breathing. Please help me to be content with the race and resources you have given me. In Jesus’ name, amen.


His masterpiece.


Free indeed.