What do you know?

“He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)

What do you know?

My mother taught me growing up, when you know something to be true, you don’t have to go back and forth to prove your point. Last night I was getting ready for bed and I thought about the scripture “be still and know that I am God”. And I started thinking of all the things I know about God. Not things I’ve heard or things that have become cliched: but my actual knowledge of what it means to say that He is God. 

So I started listing: 

  1. You said you won’t allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear; 

  2. You created the heavens and the earth with no help; 

  3. the earth is your footstool; 

  4. you are all powerful and all knowing; 

  5. your word says that there is no condemnation for them who are in Christ Jesus; 

  6. You loved me so much that you sent your only son so that I could have life and a closeness with you. 

Then I had trouble remembering real Biblical things so I started thinking about my own life. I know: 

  1. I coulda/shoulda/woulda been pregnant or have a disease because of my disobedience; 

  2. that car veered into my lane but it swerved just in time; 

  3. I should’ve lost my mind in this job because everyone else around me had to quit but You kept me; 

  4. everything that I lacked from my natural father, You have provided for me; 

  5. I’ve never starved a day in my life. I do not need to worry about money. 

I could go on, but basically I began to add detail to what it really means to know that He is God. Yes, I can say He’s God but if that doesn’t mean anything to me or immediately give me hope, then what good is it when all hell is breaking loose? Being still doesn’t always mean restricting physical movement. I can be in my classroom, in the middle of teaching and still be still. Being still requires taking authority over the thoughts that sometimes run rampant in our minds and make our situations appear bigger than the God of the universe. I hear God saying “still your plans, still your fears, still your tendency to put a plan A, B, C, D in place in case this doesn’t work.” Still yourself long enough to focus on who you KNOW He is. And like my mama said, if you know something, you don’t have to go back and forth to prove it. Not with people, not with the enemy, and not with yourself. Be still, and KNOW.

There ought to be a correlation between my stillness and my knowing.

Reflection: What do you know about God? Write it down, meditate on it this week. How does this knowledge make it possible for you to still your own actions, and allow you to rest in this season? 

Today, I love You more than letting my fears scream louder than my knowledge of who You are.


Favor in the “Before”

