The answered prayer.

“If I had known of any sin in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened to me. But God has listened. He has heard my prayer. Praise God. He did not ignore my prayer. He did not hold back his love from me.”

(Psalm 66:18-20)

I was talking to a friend of mine recently as she shared a recent revelation. She was reflecting on how each season of her life normally centered around a prayer request or goal in mind. Whether she was trying to get out of a relationship, pass a test for certification, or finally become financially stable, there was always a major prayer for the season. one day, however, she looked at her life and realized she was living in her answered prayers! She was content in her singleness, doing well in her career, supporting herself financially, and even leading a small group at her church. She was in her answered prayers, now what?

Many of us may find ourselves in a similar season. Things that we only a prayer in a journal are now your reality. Of course, life keeps moving and we tend to move on to wanting the next thing. Today, however, I encourage you to pause. Before you find the next thing to add to your prayer list, reflect on where you are now. Remember the younger version who would have been in awe of where you are now. And praise the God who remainds faithful in every season!


No peeking.


Altar of Remembrance.