Slow down Martha

“‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’” (Luke 10: 41-42)

I love serving at my church. I love meeting new people and ensuring that they have an environment to experience God. I genuinely enjoy coming early and working behind the scenes, letting God use my gifts for His glory. Sometimes, though, I am so busy doing FOR God that I forget how much He wants me to be WITH Him. One Sunday, due to an overwhelming need for rest, I stayed home from church. To my surprise, the worship filling my living room while I had breakfast moved me to tears. As I sang to Jesus, I could feel the intimacy as if he was sitting in front of me like in today’s passage. 

Mary probably had things she could have been doing that day. She may have even had “good” things on her list: helping others, serving the local ministry, etc. However, she recognized that the most important thing she could do in that moment was to kneel at Jesus’ feet while he was present. I’m sure the house chores would be waiting after he left. 

Have you been like Mary or Martha this week? Have you been running around busily, being productive but not so present in your time with the Lord? I know I have. And Martha is not a villain in this story. After all, she is the one who opened her home to Jesus! We know she loved him, she just suffered from misplaced priorities. Jesus invites us to realize that at the end of the day, “few things are needed” as much as quality time with God. 

Slow down, Martha. You will be able to pour out from your overflow when you have first been filled up in the presence of the Lord. The chores, the service, the busyness can wait. 


Lord, today I choose to sit at your feet. I know I have other things to do, but they can wait. Help me to value time with you more than anything I can do for you. To worship You I live…


My defender!!


God blocked it!