Real love

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

Reality tv, Disney, and the entire “Romantic Comedy” movie genre have painted a beautiful picture of love. They have made millions with soundtracks and scripts that pull at our heartstrings. The problem is that this love is often not built on anything more than butterfly feelings, promises of perfectly impossible futures, and selfish desires for consistent happiness. We have fallen in love with a romanticized caricature of love. As much as culture tells people to “trust your heart,” the Bible reminds us that “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it” (Jeremiah 17:9). Disney love won’t carry a marriage through the loss of a parent or child. Rom-com love won’t carry friends through a disagreement. Butterflies and infatuation are not sturdy enough to be your anchor when the storms of life begin to rage. When the world is divided by poverty, racial tension, and fear, we need real love. We need the relentless love of Christ that loved us even as he hung on the cross. We need the kind of love that pushes a wife to pray for her husband despite not seeing immediate change. We need the kind of love that brings a daughter to forgive her imperfect father. The kind of love that sees a prodigal son from afar, refuses to place judgment and welcomes him with open arms. 

This season is going to challenge your views on love. It will show you the ways superficial love is inadequate for the way Believers in Jesus are called to live. So today, even if you don’t feel it, will you love anyway?


Jesus, thank you for real love. When I watch movies and listen to certain music, I start to think that love should always feel good. I selfishly think I should always be put first, and I forget that the Kingdom of God is not like the culture. Please help me not to create an idol out of romance, but to truly understand love. In Jesus’ name, amen.




You already have a Boaz.