Pick your price.

“There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12)

“‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.’”

(Matthew 7:13-14)

Driving all over the vast state of Texas has left me with a fair share of revelations about life. One night after a particularly long day I found myself faced with a decision: either drive an extra 10-20 minutes to avoid the tolls or spend the money to get home faster. Inevitably I chose the toll road, deciding that getting to my bed was worth whatever the cost. In life, there are many moments that force us to choose between two routes. One route may take more time, effort, or sacrifice. However, the route that appears to be shorter is never without its own price. In today’s passage, Jesus tells us that it will be tempting to choose the easier route. The “wide gate” refers to the way of life that the world presents: a love full of self-pleasure and the idolatry of our own desires. The wide gate offers quick ways to make money that may not be based on integrity or godly principles and priorities. It may bring fame, fortune, and popularity with humans. However, this “abundant life” only leads to destruction, or death as we read in Proverbs.

It is only the narrow gate, Jesus Christ, that can offer true satisfaction. This route involves denying ourselves, picking up our cross, and choosing every day to follow Jesus. This route means loving those who hate us, apologizing when we feel justified, and serving without applause. This route, like the long way home, will take our entire lifetime before we see the final results. It is a stark contrast to the microwave-quick generation we live in today. In times of disappointment and feeling frustrated with waiting, the quick toll road will seem to be the only option. However, the bill will come.

There is a choice before you today: will you pay the price now of living as a sacrifice for the sake of God’s promises in eternity, or will you choose to indulge now and pay later? God doesn’t promise that this life will be easy and without pain. He does promise, however, that the indescribable nature of heaven will make it all worth it.


Father, thank you for your word. When I look around, it looks so much easier to live like the world so I can have the “blessings” they seem to have. Help me to remember that everything comes at a cost, even if it doesn’t look like it. Please give me the power and desire to choose the narrow gate, Jesus Christ. Give me the strength to endure the harder path, trusting that the glory that is to come is going to make everything worth it. I love you more than the shortcut. In Jesus’ name, amen.


The constants of life.


“My pleasure.”