No, really, do not fear.

  1. Thou shall not kill. 

  2. Thou shall not commit adultery. 

  3. Do not fear. 

2 of these are very familiar commandments. The third often feels like more of a suggestion. However, the bible commands us not to fear over 100 times! I think we ought to pay it some attention. The dictionary defines courage as not being deterred by danger or pain. This basic and worldly definition convicted my heart so thoroughly. It suggests that God’s commandment to be strong and courageous will require some grace. It suggests that there will be very real danger; very real threats of pain and life might actually hurt at times. The command says to go forward into your pupose anyway. The command says to pursue the godly relationship anyway. Invest in the therapy anyway. Apply for the business loan anyway. Be courageous!

According to my best friend Google, fear is the emotion that arises as a result of the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. This means that “to fear” means to be afraid because of a perceived potential source of danger or pain. I wonder if God’s command not to fear might be an act of faith. What if I refuse to perceive even the scary thing as able to cause me danger or pain? What if I truly internalize the promise that “no weapon formed against [me] shall prosper,” thus making it impossible for me to fear. Now, I know this sounds radical. Even as I type this, I am wondering if this is possible. I am questioning how I could possibly look at a thing that looks bigger than me, more accomplished than me, too expensive for me, and stand without fear? I wonder how I can stand in a situation that threatens to trigger past memories and keep my peace. Even as I type, I hear the Lord telling me that the key is to focus my eyes and widen the frame. 

If my focus remains on my size versus the stature of the giant I face, fear is sure to follow. It is no shock that a giant is bigger than me, I am only 5”2! No, my focus must shift to the magnitude of the God who promises to fight on my behalf. My focus must acknowledge the potential danger and almost simultaneously counter that thought with the knowledge of who I know God to be in my life. I know Him to be a healer, a deliverer, a friend, a sustainer. I know that He has conquered death, hell, and the grave! I know that the Earth is literally His footstool! I serve an enormous God! When, despite the situation, I actively remember God, I will not walk in timidity when there are giants on the land I was promised. I will stand, like David, with an insufficient slingshot against my Goliath, believing unashamedly in the One who stands behind me. 

Reflection: What are you facing today that is causing you to disobey the command not to fear? Is it the degree that you feel called to that friends and family might not support? Is it the business plan that looks absolutely impossible in your own strength and talent? Is it the hope of a healthy marriage, despite your less-than-perfect dating history? Write it down. Be honest. Acknowledge the scary thing. Acknowledge that it IS scary. Then, combat that whisper of fear with the Truth found in the word. This may be only one scripture that you memorize and recite to yourself as you face your giant tomorrow. It could also be a list of attributes of God that help keep you grounded. We know that God wants us to be fearless. Now, I encourage you to welcome the Holy Spirit to guide you in the “how”. God never intended for us to follow His commands without His help. What a gracious Father we serve! I love you, sis! And God loves you way more. 

Joshua 1:7, 9; Isaiah 35:4; Psalm 27:1


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