Love is…patient.

“Love is patient;” 1 Corinthians 13:4(a)

The pink and red candies and balloons are in almost every store. Commercials for jewelry and “perfect” couples are on a constant loop. As we enter the month of February, let’s revisit the way Paul defines love, the perfect love of God. It is so easy to rush through scripture and we could read all of 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 in one day, but we won’t.

The first part of verse 4 says that love is patient. Let’s not assume that we all understand the true nature of patience. In the Greek, the word for patience ‘makrothymei’ means to suffer or bear long. Patient here is not to wait idly, waiting for something to happen. This kind of patience will cost me something. Imagine praying for a loved one as they continue down the wrong path. Patience. Imagine listening as a friend tells you about yet another failed relationship and you pray with them again, hoping that this time will be the time they turn to God. Patience. It’s grieving with someone as long as they need, past when it’s convenient for you.

Patience is hard. I start to feel entitled to rush someone else’s process. I forget how patiently God waited for me to get saved. I forget that every day He waits, knowing that I will sin every day until Jesus returns. From the moment Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, God has been waiting for his creation to return to him. And He didn’t withold his love until we got it right. Instead, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, giving everyone the option to have a relationship with the Father (Romans 5:8).

What’s patient love? Patient love keeps the door open. Patient love says “I will love you however long it takes.”


God, wow. You love me so patiently! I remember when I was far from you for so long, but you never gave up on me. Thank you so much. Please help me show this patient love to someone else today. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Journal Prompt:

Who is God placing on your heart who needs patient love? How can you reflect God’s love to them?


Love is kind.


Asleep in the storm.