Love covers.

“The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” (Genesis 3:21)

One of the beautiful illustrations of the way love covers is when looking at a sports team. While the individual players have their own strengths and weaknesses, a good team moves and interacts as a collective unit. One individual may not have played their best game, but a team win overall covers the full impact of their inadequacies.

When we look at the story of Adam and Eve, we know that both parties had weaknesses. Eve lacked the ability to stay true to the boundaries set by God. Adam failed to fully embody his role as the leader and protector for his family. I am so glad that God does not cut us off when our sins leave us exposed! Adam and Eve literally had everything they could ever need or want. Imagine God’s heartbreak when they inevitably chose their own will over his instructions. When I think of our relationship with God, I am reminded that even after we hurt Him, he covers us. First with “garments of skin,” then with sacrificial lambs in the Old Testament, and ultimately with the blood of the spotless lamb: Jesus. God has covered you!

As we come to the end of our month of love, how can you walk in the kind of love that covers the shortcomings of others? That mean I won’t gossip about you. That means I won’t run to tell my friends all the ways you’re imperfect. That means I will pray more than I criticize.

Love covers.


Lord, thank you for covering me in all of my shortcomings with the blood of Jesus. When I failed to meet your expectations, you found a way to bring me back. Please help me to love others this way. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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