Lessons from Kindergarten

As a Kindergarten teacher, my students’ actions preach to me without them doing anything out of the ordinary. On one specific occasion, I was welcoming my students into class to start our day. As always, I reviewed the 5 things they needed to do in order to be prepared for the day: backpacks away, jackets in cubbies, etc. As I was waiting for the students to finish their part, I noticed students repeatedly coming to ask questions- unrelated questions. I responded to the first little boy: “have you done your 5 things yet? Finish what I told you to do first, then come find me.” Almost as soon as the words had left my mouth, I felt God say “exactly.” 

How many times do we receive instructions from the Holy Spirit for tasks to complete in areas such as relationships, finances, ministry, and service to the church or community and we respond with delayed obedience? Not only do we fail to respond with immediate action, we continue to pray and give God our requests and concerns. If we are met with heavenly silence, we find ourselves frustrated and angry with God, wondering if God heard us or even cares. The truth is that He does care (1 Peter 5:7), but Leviticus 26:3 and 2 Chronicles 7:14 remind us that some moves of God are waiting on our action. I had to humble myself and remember that God is all mighty and all powerful. He is God of the universe, and I am His child. Pride told me that I could continue to make demands on heaven without first completing His instructions. 

Minutes later, that same student came back after completing his 5 tasks, and I loved hearing about the new game he had received the night before. I never loved him any less or lost my desire to hear what was important to him, but I knew the things I had planned for the rest of his day required him to be fully prepared to learn before shifting his focus elsewhere. Our heavenly Father is even more concerned with the details of our lives! He wants to hear our ideas and concerns; He wants to talk with us and give us insight into our lives. More importantly, though, he wants to accomplish His purpose through us so that the fullness of His kingdom can be manifested on Earth. 

What about you? Are there areas that you are waiting for God to move in but you have not yet finished your instructions? Do not be shamed and discouraged! Let this serve as a reminder to finish your task, and then watch as your Heavenly father responds to your obedience. 


Hey Dad. I thank you for speaking to me today. I confess that there are times when you have told me to do something, but I put my agenda above my obedience. I am sorry. I thank you for the grace to complete what You told me to do, and I thank You that you will withhold no good thing from me (Psalm 84:11). I love you more than my plan. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Free indeed.


The secret to juggling…