It’ll work but it won’t be blessed…

Scripture Reference: Numbers 20: 7-13

There are many perspectives surrounding why Moses and Aaron chose not to follow God’s instructions to speak to the rock. Honestly, there’s so much to unpack in the story as a whole. Perhaps the fact that God intentionally created a situation or platform where, if the instructions were followed as given, the people under Moses and Aaron’s leadership would be exposed to the character of God. Their disobedience essentially indicates the arrogance that says “I know better than God” and I want to prove my point more than I want to make room for His glory”. Ouch. 

We could unpack the significance of Moses’ refusal to speak before the people yet again, as was shown when God first called him to play a major role in the deliverance of the Children of Israel from Egypt. God ultimately had to send Moses a helper in Aaron because of Moses’ lack of faith in the One who sent him. Yet again, this insecurity in speech cost him greatly. 

However, today we’re going to talk about what happens when disobedience doesn’t seem to have any consequences. What do we do when we’re disobedient but it still works? In our text, Moses and Aaron clearly disobeyed God’s instruction to speak to the rock to produce water, choosing instead to strike the rock. I would have expected God to teach them a lesson by allowing their efforts to go in vain. In other words: no water. But as we see in verse 11, the water flowed despite their disobedience! The water flowed “abundantly” and the livestock and the assembly were given plenty of water. So what’s the lesson? What’s the warning? 

The warning is this: do not be misled. Just because it works, does not mean it’s blessed. Read it again- just because it works-whatever “it” is for you- despite your disobedience, does not mean you got one over on God. Aaron and Moses were successful in the immediate miracle, but it cost them their position and ability to enter the promised land they had worked so hard for! 

What does this mean for us? It means you might be able to force the relationship in your own timing, with the wrong person…but it won’t be blessed. You may be able to compromise your values and the assignment God gave you for the sake of making more money and keeping up for the ‘gram, but that doesn’t mean it’s blessed. Wow. I’m sure we can all insert our own examples.

Today I encourage us all to study the lesson we learn through Moses so we don’t have to face the same consequences. 

Praying with and for you always,



Lord, we repent for our disobedience! In your word, you equated Moses and Aaron’s disobedience with a lack of faith, and a misrepresentation of your holiness! Many of us had no idea it was that serious, but we hear your Spirit convicting our hearts now. Please have mercy on us and forgive us our sins! Please remind us of your instructions and give us another chance to obey in FAITH. We want to be a generation who is worthy of the assignments you’ve given us. You won’t have to wait to bless our children. We’re here for you now. You have our “yes” now. Holy Spirit help us and show us the way. In Jesus name, amen. 


Take the easy way!