He will give you the desire.

“Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

“In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. And she made a vow, saying, ‘Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head’.” (1 Samuel 1:10-11)

We started the month discussing the story of Hannah, and how in order to receive from God we must be willing to admit what we desire. Today, I’m here to suggest that this popular psalm does not paint God as a genie, but instead as a master gardener dropping seeds of desire into our hearts. Hannah desired a child so bad that it affected her ability to eat, to have peace, and to have joy. Maybe it’s not that she finally cried the magic number of tears to move God to action. Maybe it’s not that she gave the perfect offering during service. Maybe us wanting or manifesting a thing doesn’t actually move God at all.

I wonder if God actually gave Hannah the desire, to begin with.

Like what if God actually created Hannah with this intense desire to have a child and knew how long to withhold it. Hear me out. He knew to withhold the desire to the point where the baby wouldn’t be average, taken for granted, undervalued. Instead, Hannah was so desperate that she was actually willing to do with the child whatever God wanted. What if, the longer you wait, the more your carnal plans and motives for having it are forced to die? 

Only God knows how long, what environment, and what circumstances will break you of your flesh. I wonder if Hannah waited so long she got past wanting to get revenge on Peninah. At this point, she was ready to dedicate this child back to God for his entire life--if only He would satisfy her desire...His desire. 

For you and me, I believe the same is true. God has planted your desire for a family, for a successful business, for financial freedom to bless others. I also believe that the enemy loves to pervert and twist what God establishes as good. The way that God may be helping you to remain surrendered to His will, is by making you wait. 


God, sometimes I get tired of waiting. I feel crazy for still wanting this thing that never seems to be coming for me. At times I feel like Hannah as I watch others receive what I cannot. Today I see that You gave me the desire in the first place! Help me to surrender to your perfect timing, trusting that You will withhold no good thing from me. If I don’t have it, it’s not good for me yet. I love You more than the desire. You are enough for me. Amen


Purify me: A message from God’s heart.


Favor in the “Before”