Close your eyes.

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7, ASV)

On the show Fear Factor, oftentimes for the most fear-invoking challenges, the contestants are blindfolded. It is a pattern that the most daring and dangerous stunts require the most limited vision. I wonder if the rationale is that our eyes have a habit of contributing to our fear, and subsequent refusal to participate.

I also wonder if this is not only true on game shows but in our faith journeys as well. After all, Adam and Eve had no problem obeying God’s only restriction until Eve “saw” that the fruit was good (Genesis 3:6). The children of Israel were all set to take hold of the promised land until they saw that the land was occupied with people who appeared to be more powerful (Numbers 13:27-33). Peter was literally walking on water until he “saw the wind” (Matthew 14:30). Notice a pattern? This makes faith such an incredible feat because in order to walk by faith we have to deny what we see (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Our ability to see can often hinder our ability to be fully and immediately obedient to what God wills for us. I admit I love details! As a recovering control freak, I like to think that I thrive on details. However, I wonder now if I am limiting what God can do in my life when I refuse to move forward without seeing. I feel God saying “if I showed it all to you, you would be afraid.” What if the people of Israel had simply taken God’s word when He said the land would be theirs to possess? What if they had relied only on the hindsight of every previous victory God had given them? They would not have seen the giants until they were moving in! Instead, their desire to see, and the fear of their leaders, cost an entire generation a vacation in the wilderness.

Think about the areas of your life where God is calling you into something not yet illuminated with details. Is He calling you into purity with no sign of an approaching spouse? Is He calling you to birth a business or book without seeing where the customers or finances will come from? Is He calling you to forgive without any hope of the other person’s changed behavior? You may not be able to see all the pieces, but trust in God who has the best perspective in the world. Lord, give us the faith to obey without seeing!


Lord, I repent for delayed obedience and blatant disobedience. There are things you have told me to do and I allowed what I did or did not see to determine how much I trusted you. Thank you for not giving up on me. I don’t want to miss out on the fullness of what You have for me. I do not want to model a lack of faith for my future kids. Teach me how to trust you, even when I can’t see or understand. In all my ways, even the cloudy or scary ways, I acknowledge you. I know You make my path straight. In Jesus’ name, amen.


God is a Romantic?


Too tired to pray.