Admit you want it.

“...and the Lord remembered [Hannah].” (1 Samuel 1: 19)

When I decided to get drastically intentional with my walk for God, it was not solely based on my new love for Him. While I was growing a new passion for getting closer to Him, the truth was that I was running from the pain of yet another heartbreak. I had been stubborn, and had allowed my desire to be wanted to come before my standards, my God, and my own well-being. I knew that I was supposed to be a wife but I was picking wrong every single time. And finally, I was tired. I was tired of giving every ounce of myself, and even finding ways to become what I wasn’t for people who had no intention of staying. I finally ran out of my own strength and ran into God. 

What have you been expending your own energy, strength, and techniques for? Be real! There is a woman in the Bible who knows exactly what it feels like to have a deep desire for something, and not see it come to pass quickly. Her name is Hannah, and you can read her story in the book of 1 Samuel. Hannah had a successful marriage, she was in relationship with God, but she desired to have a child. Like you and I, she knew that it was possible to be blessed in one area and still left wanting in another. Instead of reacting like some of us and complaining to anyone with an open ear, Hannah brought her desires to the Lord. She made a vow that if she was blessed with a son, she would dedicate him back to the Lord. In His timing, 1 Samuel 1:19 tells us that “the Lord remembered [Hannah]” and she was blessed with a son, Samuel. 

Just like Hannah, it is not sinful to have desires and dreams. In fact, often times they come from God himself. Take some time to pray and ask God to reveal the desires that come from Him, and those that did not. Then ask Him how you can use that blessing to bless Him in return. 


Lord, thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for giving me the desires of my heart, and for giving me clarity when I am not sure where the desire comes from. I pray that you would show me the desires that come from you, and give me vision for how the blessing can be used for your glory. I love you more than my timeline. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Trust the coach.

